Abdomen Surgery
Clínica DermAge avails abdominal surgery to end with the discomfort of accumulated fat and abdominal distention caused by pregnancy (the separation of the abdominal muscles increasing area deformation).
To have a “flat belly” and without stretch marks helps to outline a graceful feminine figure and it is a sign of good physical tonus. The abdominal wall is built basically by three elements: skin, under-cutaneous cellular tissue with subjacent fat and muscle tension.
The distortion of any or more of these elements will be responsible for a deformity, which according to the severity, will require a more or less complex treatment. The most frequent surgical procedures are the abdominal dermolipectomy (abdominoplasty) and the liposuction.
- Liposuction is used when there is an accumulation of fat between skin and muscle tension;
- Dermolipectomy allows correcting the abdominal muscle weakness and eliminating excess skin.

Liposuction or Dermolipectomy
The choice of which procedure depends on the desired patient’s weight and the understanding, evaluation and acceptance that each technique has its indications, advantages and inconveniences.
During presurgery consultation the surgeon will evaluate and advise on the final length of the scar, which depends on the skin malleability level, the abdominal fat excess and the muscle state. Both interventions will be by either general or epidural anesthesia and hospitalization may be from 24 to 48 hours.
Cares and Results
Abdominal Dermolipectomy has an added number of benefits: to slim the waist and squeeze the upper parts of the thighs. The residual scar ends up by being camouflaged by, in the majority of the cases, underwear or swimwear; if patient underwent an abdominal surgery it is not recommended physical efforts for six weeks after the surgery date.
Overall, using compression clothing increases the comfort sensation and avoids complaints.