Dark Circles

At Clínica DermAge we can help you correct the dark circles that affect self-esteem.

Lack of sleep: it is believed that for harming the microcirculation of the eye region and provoke paleness, lack of sleep may contribute to the severing of the dark circles.

Genetics: unfortunately, if it is a family problem, dark circles may be lessened, but not completely eliminated – this is, if the patient takes all the needed precautions to avoid the factors that stresses it. To work the psychologic side to accept oneself better is also important, since, though it may causes discomfort, and there are ways to mitigate, the person will have to live with that facial characteristic.

Dehydration: dryness and skin fragility around the eyes contributes greatly to severing this problem.

More Causes

Sun exposure: sun exposure without quality sunglasses and products with SPF on eyelids may stress the pigmentation around the eyes.

Collagen loss (protein that sustains and grants elasticity to the skin): as one ages or there are factors that harm collagen production (poor diet, cigarettes, etc.), its deficiency tends to leave the skin around the eyes thinner are fragile, stressing the dark circles.

Tobacco and alcohol: damages collagen production and circulation, amongst others.

Rubbing or sudden movements around the eyes: Because it is an extremely thin and sensitive area, making aggressive movements in the area, whether by make-up removal, applying creams or merely scratching, may break small blood vessels and cause hemoglobin deposits in the area, causing dark circles.

Dark CirclesDark Circles

Other Causes

Allergies, anemia, respiratory problems, vitamin deficiency: allergies and respiratory problems may contribute to dark circles as it harms circulation, it may provoke eyes itching or dilate blood vessels in the area. Amongst others, paleness caused by anemia and vitamin deficiency (especially vitamin K, vitamin C and those from Complex B) may accentuate dark circles.

PMS, hormonal changes: may unbalance the melanin production, darkening the eye region, combined with circulation changes, stress and liquid retention which may worsen the problem.

Medicaments: amongst other implications, medication that cause blood vessels dilation can cause the area under the eyes to darken.

Dark CirclesDark Circles

Types of Dark Circles

Periorbital hyperpigmentation (POH): are brown and appear when the eye globe is allocated in a deep hole and covered by a thin skin, which allows showing the cavity shadow.

Hyperpigmentation dark circles: are also brown but caused by the accumulation of melanin (protein that provides pigmentation to skin, hair, etc.). Normally occurs in people of dark-skin tone.

Iron related dark circles: are purple and caused by the accumulation of hemoglobin (protein that, amongst other functions, grants pigmentation to the blood) or products of its degradation (bilirubin, biliverdin and iron).

Vascular dark circles: are slightly blueish and caused by excess of fluid retention, when the microcirculation of the region is harmed.

Useful Advice

  • Massage the face with circular movements around the eyes.

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