Facial Drainage
Facial drainage is advised for aesthetics and therapeutic purposes. It helps eliminating toxins and tone the skin of the face, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and signs of age. We also advise this treatment to treat bruises from trauma and plastic surgery.
Liquid retention may be caused by several factors: diet rich in fat and salt, blood circulation problems, hormonal problems, tight clothing, amongst others.
All these causes contribute to liquid overload in the body that it is not absorbed. Thus lymphatic circulation doesn’t run normally and impurities start to accumulate in certain parts of the body.
Facial drainage is the same. So, it is necessary to relax all the upper part of the body, massaging the area with hands and thumbs with circular movements as to make the accumulated toxins and liquid run again. This treatment not only improves your health, but also your state of mind, as it is a very relaxing process!
Come to Clínica DermAge and experience facial drainage. Improve your quality of life and health!

- Rich diet in salt and fat;
- Blood criculation problems;
- Tight clothing;
- Hormonal issues.
Useful Advice
- Seek performing a good skin moisturizing;
- Drink water.