Hair Rejuvenation

Hair loss affects men from 18-year-old on, however, it also affects men of other ages and some women. To fight this problem Clínica DermAge has a treatment of hair rejuvenation that fights hair loss and alopecia.

“Hair loss is the main dermatologically problem faced by men, that tends to manifest starting from their 18-years-old and may severe in a slower or faster way, depending on the genetic weight” – Dr. Alexandra Osório developed a treatment to prevent hair aging, to treat and control the evolution of alopecia.

Even More

The two main severe hair health problems in women are hair loss and thinning, and if detected in an early stage the treatment has fantastic results.

Hair, volume and quality loss, texture, flexibility of the hair shaft are the problems that affect many women. What happens is that, as this problem is associated to hair, many people go to hairdressers to solve the problem. Wrong! They shall go to a dermatologist/trichologist.

It is possible to stop hair loss, strengthen and recover hair quality as long as the patient does not reach us at an advanced stage.


Dr. Alexandra Osório has developed an exclusive hair rejuvenation program protocol: not only stops hair loss, but also stimulates the birth of new hair strings, rejuvenates and strengths remaining hair. The protocol includes also shampoos, topic application of medicines in the scalp, oral pills and hair bio-revitalization treatments.

Innumerous patients have already done this type of treatment, as Dr. Alexandra Osório states: “With this protocol of hair rejuvenation, developed by me using my professional experience and products of the highest quality that obtain amazing results I have treated more than 500 patients”. Medical Alexandra Osório adds that “hair loss targets 60% of men and some women”.

“It is important that who suffers from these pathologies start the treatment the earliest possible. The sooner one starts the better and faster are the results” concludes Dr. Osório.


Hair loss may origin from multiple factors, such as: pregnancy and after birth; hormonal changes; oral birth control pills; menopause; high fevers; hemorrhage; surgery, severe hepatic or kidney failure; hyper or hypothyroidism; acute or chronic disease; syphilis; unappropriated diets; prolonged fasting; anemia; iron deficiency; sudden weight changes; sleepless nights; some medicines; chemical exposure; improper use of cosmetic products, amongst others.

Useful Advice

  • Watch over bald spots and loss hair during shower;
  • If any of your parents is bald, or have low hair density, you should make an early diagnosis!

Online Appointment Request

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