Immunoallergology Consultation
Clínica DermAge has an expert in Immuno-allergology, medical specialty that studies and handles the epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial aspects related to Clinical Allergology and Immunology of all ages.
This specialty includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergies: food, skin, pharmaceutical and asthma allergies; along with allergies within sports sense and pathologies as rhinitis, bronchial asthma, primary immune deficiencies, amongst others.
Frequently, an immune-allergologist requests complementary diagnosis exams that include blood analysis (dosing specific lgE to allergenic), skin sensibility tests by sting or contact, breading functional test and injection of immunotherapy under medical surveillance.
Even More
Children frequently suffer allergies: around 22% of European children have allergies, food allergies being the most severe ones.
Severe allergic reactions include anaphylaxis, which nowadays is more and more one of the manifestations of allergy in childhood, especially from food allergy. The severity of these situations, which may be deadly, demand an attention not only from the immune-allergologist but from all health professionals.
Parents, relatives and all involved in children care, at home, schools and health services, shall be intervenient parts in identifying and preventing anaphylactic reactions.