Lifting is a surgical procedure that may be used to rejuvenate the skin when some imperfections are found, both on wrinkle and fine lines.
Clínica DermAge offers three types of lifting. Contact us and schedule your appointment.
Get to know our three types of lifting at Clínica DermAge:
Facial and Neck Lifting
Facial and Neck Lifting is a treatment aiming to reduce or even eliminate skin aging evidences.
In relation to the surgery itself, this starts with local anesthesia, and usually, implies an in-patient care of a day, for surveillance and the patient returns home on the following day.
Recovery may take 1 to 2 weeks depending from patient to patient, despite many patients concern, the scars become invisible because they will be at the top of the head, near the hair roots and beyond the ears.
Lifting without Surgery
Lifting without Surgery has very similar effects to facial and neck lifting, however, the procedure is totally different, this treatment does not imply any sort of skin cut or inpatient care.
This type of lifting does not replace the traditional surgical lifting. This can be performed after 35 years old and afterwards, when the patient has severe aging signs can do the traditional method.
Facial Lifting with Absorbable Suture
In relation to this lifting, and comparing to the traditional lifting, one may conclude that the difference is the use of absorbable sutures: these are composed by polylactic acid and are absorbed within 1 to 2 years’ time. It grants a more efficient traction and fixation of the tissues.
To know more about these types of lifting or any other subject, please contact or call us at Clínica DermAge.
Useful Advice
- 8 hours fasting prior to surgery;
- Avoid touching the treated area;
- Try to rest during the first two weeks after the lifting procedure.