Nutrition Consultation
This clinic specialty aims nutritional orientation and follow-up, promotes healthy lifestyles and helps in the prevention and treatment of several pathologies. Also helps you reaching a healthy life.
Clínica DermAge has a bioelectrical impedance scale, along with weight and Body Mass Index (BMI), it evaluates body fat, visceral fat, thin mass, body water, fat levels and segmental thin mass. After analyzing all these data, is done a more complete and personalized evaluation.
Even More
During the Nutrition Appointment it is performed an evaluation of your nutritional state and designed an individual diet plan, adapted to your personal nutritional needs and allowing you to reach your goals.
Clínica DermAge Nutritionist evaluates both the clinical and the research components, allowing to exercise its professional practices in a scientifically sustained form, in light of the current knowledge and in constant up-to-date perfectioning.
Areas of Expertise
- Hair nutrition;
- Hyper & hypothyroidism;
- Infant, adolescent, adult and elderly nutrition;
- Pregnancy, ante and post-birth nutrition;
- Weight management;
- Sport nutrition;
- Fluid retention;
- Celiac disease;
- High cholesterol;
- Hypertension;
- Diabetes;
- Eating disorders behaviors.