
The acne is a benign inflammatory skin disease, characterized by skin excessive oiliness, white or blackheads, papules, pustules and cysts.

The disease progression is unpredictable and may compact the sebaceous glands disabling the normal expel, resulting in an inflammatory reaction – pus – that may cause scars.

This disease, commonly known as acne, manifests itself mainly on the face, sometimes affecting the back and chest. Acne is often related to teenage years, therefore, it has a special incidence in the age group between 13 and 24 years.

Contact Clínica DermAge for more information.


Acne may be originated by hormonal, genetic or psychological issues (stress) and/or by infections (Staphylococcus aureus).

Acne treatment shall be seen as part of a daily routine; as only making it a routine the desired results will be achieved. This routine includes several cleanse products, as exfoliators, hydration products and preventive creams. In the case of women, the makeup must also be suitable for the pathology.

Alongside these daily products, Clínica DermAge also offers solutions related to specific skin cleanses as peelings. Through treatments such as medical peels and laser therapy it is possible to mitigate acne scars, depending on their depth in the patient’s skin.

Useful Advice

  • Do not let acne evolve to preserve self-esteem and avoid the occurrence of scars;
  • Avoid exfoliation during active phase of acne;
  • Use sun blocker daily;
  • Keep your skin always clean.

Online Appointment Request

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